Monday, January 14, 2008

Cold Stone is here...

Been meaning to write about this one since beginning December.
Well, got to admit I've got a bit of small soft spot for VOA advertising, so when I watched Ivy Batuta's (hope I spelled her name right...) experience working a day at Cold Stone, I've never seen the way they did to ice cream before that, and it just made my mouth watered.

At Nov 29th I heard HRFM announcing the opening of the first Cold Stone Creamery in Indonesia at Citos, immediately made a plan that after work tomorrow I just have to go there and have a bite. And the next day I did have my bite for that ice cream, ordered "Mud Pie Mojo" for dad and "The Pie who loved me" for myself to indulge. It's how they prepare the ice cream that's what made it interesting, while preparing it, all the waiter sang this "peel banana" song in the music and beat of the "f**k martinez" song by 2live crew in the 90's.

The ice cream itself is great, but to be honest as for taste and price paid, I'm more of a Ben&Jerry lover :) 2 twisted everything but the... & mint chocolate cookie is just my thing....

1 comment:

Ancilla said...

mampir :)

stuju, sjauh ini ben&jerry's masi di posisi atas buatku...